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NextEra Insights Inc.

Services for the consumer or prosumer

Consumer is increasingly subject to a variety of complicated price signals and choices.
Deregulation has created separate price signals for generation, transmission, distribution, and retail; which are not necessarily aligned at all times.

Consumer now has the choice to control its consumption profile by using devices such as smart thermostats. It is expected that more and more home appliances would become controllable over time. Electrical vehicle would provide further choices to the Consumer.
Consumer now also has the choice install its own generation such as solar panels on the roof or geothermal in the ground, and become a Prosumer.
Larger Consumer has further choices such as combined heat and power generation, co-generation, and micro-generation.

The Consumers' energy bill has been increasing over time due to factors such as demand for service in new or remote geographical areas, and environmental requirements.
NextEra Insights helps Consumer minimize its bill by responding to all price signals and all choices. Our Payback IndexTM tool visualizes savings and simplifies decision making.
We can lead or assist the Consumer (or Prosumer) in following areas:

Advocacy in policy, regulation, and program development engagements

Government policies, legislations, regulations, directions, or programs largely drive Consumer’s bill.. The Consumer must closely watch all such developments and participate to provide its unique perspective to the decision makers.

Representation in regulatory proceedings

Regulatory proceedings on revenue requirement, operating and maintenance costs, capital additions, cost of capital, cost allocation, and rate design determine Consumer’s bill. Additionally industrial, commercial, rural and urban Consumer or Prosumer may be impacted differently. The Consumer or Prosumer must actively intervene in all such regulatory proceedings to provide evidence and safeguard its interests.

Connection and changes to service

Consumer has to navigate the utility connection process when it wants to connect to the utility network for the first time, and then whenever it wants to make changes to the connection such as changing demand contract value or supply contract value. Consumer’s decisions determine the upfront lump sum contribution it has to pay as well as its recurring bill going forward.

Installing generation

Under regulations such as small scale generation, micro-generation, and integrated industrial systems, the Consumer can install generation at its site. Consumer has to evaluate the return on any such investments under a variety of scenarios or sensitivities.

Controlling consumption

Consumer is facing separate price signals for generation, transmission, distribution, and retail; which are not necessarily aligned at all times. Consumer must evaluate all operational choices and determine the optimal operational response. Consumer can reduce its bill by limiting maximum consumption or shifting consumption to off peak time periods.

Market participation

Markets are increasingly recognizing the value of demand side resources and allowing Consumers to participate in providing products and services. For example Consumers can provide under-frequency load shed service, load shed service for imports, supplemental reserves, and non-wires alternative services. Consumer has to compare the costs of providing such market or contractual services with the expected benefits. 

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency measures reduce consumption without impacting Consumer operations. Lower consumption lowers Consumer’s bill. From time to time Utility or government Agencies provide support for energy efficiency investments. Consumer can leverage such support and get incrementally energy efficient over time.